Singing Guide: George M!

Singing Guide: George M!

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

George M. Cohan, often referred to as the father of musical theater, was an iconic performer who brought his natural wit, charm, and expressive style to the stage. Learning to sing like George M. requires understanding his unique approach to vocalization, as well as the techniques he used to bring life and energy to his performance.

One of the core elements of George M's signature style was his ability to connect with his audience. He did this by using a variety of vocal techniques to emphasize the emotion and meaning of his lyrics. To learn to sing like George M, you should consider the following techniques:

Emotion and interpretation

George M. was known for his inspired interpretations of popular songs. He had a unique ability to convey a range of emotions and moods through his singing, using his voice to reflect the nuances of the lyrics. To learn to sing like George M., you should work on your interpretation skills - focus on conveying the feeling and meaning of the song in your voice.

Breath and articulation

Another key aspect of George M.'s vocal technique was his breath control and articulation. He was skilled at maintaining a steady airflow while cleanly articulating the words of his lyrics. To improve your own breath control and articulation, try the following exercises:

Chest voice and voice registers

George M. had a powerful chest voice and used it to great effect in his performances. In addition to his chest voice, he also employed different voice registers to add variety and range to his singing. To develop your own chest voice and voice registers, try the following exercises:


Another vocal technique that George M. used to great effect was twang. Twang involves using the epiglottis to create a bright, nasal tone. It can be especially effective for conveying emotion in singing. To learn more about twang and how to practice it, check out this how to twang exercise.


George M. also used vibrato to great effect in his singing. Vibrato is a slight variation in pitch that adds warmth and expressiveness to the voice. To learn more about vibrato and how to practice it, take a look at this singing with vibrato article.

Recommended songs

To get a better sense of George M.'s singing style, it's worth listening to some of his most famous songs. Here are a few to get you started:

  • "Yankee Doodle Boy"
  • "Give My Regards to Broadway"
  • "You're a Grand Old Flag"
  • "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy"

Relevant Singing Carrots resources

Of course, mastering George M.'s unique vocal style will take time and practice. Luckily, Singing Carrots has a variety of resources to help you on your journey, including:

With these resources and a commitment to practice and improvement, you can learn to sing like George M. and bring his unique style of performance to your own singing.

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